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Empower your organization with specialized training and resources through our unique DHODI Charter Program.

The DHODI Charter Program is your gateway to specialized training and resources that empower you to open a transitional housing "franchise".

The DHODI Charter Program, which stands for Dunamis Homes of Divine Intervention, is your gateway to experiencing the power and success of a "franchise" model in the transitional housing sector. Designed for individuals ready to lead with confidence, this comprehensive 3-year program provides everything you need to establish and run a thriving chartered organization.

Here’s how it works: The program starts with a $25,000 initial investment, covering all the critical steps to officially establish your presence in your state or county during the first year. This includes incorporation, meeting legal requirements, and creating essential corporate documents. We’ll guide you through administrative tasks like setting up your Board of Directors, governance manuals, standard operating procedures, and providing operational templates and handbooks for residents, employees, and volunteers.

The second and third years focus on mentorship and training, with bi-monthly sessions over 24 months. This phase is designed to ensure you have the ongoing support and knowledge to navigate challenges and maintain excellence in your operations. The investment for these two years is $7,500 annually or $625 per month, with prices fixed and non-negotiable. As part of this program, Vanessa will visit your site quarterly to provide hands-on guidance, and you’ll receive a Certificate of Charter and a Certificate of Completion for all training.

Please note that while we provide the framework and tools, it’s your responsibility to secure a home or building for your operations. The DHODI Charter Program is designed to make the process of establishing and running a transitional housing facility as smooth and effective as possible, offering unparalleled support every step of the way.

Ready to turn your vision into a reality? Book your spot in the DHODI Charter Program today and take the first step toward making a lasting impact.

Service Announcements

Pillar 5: DHODI Charter Program

The DHODI Charter Program is designed for individuals who are ready to experience the power of a "franchise" model through chartering. This program offers a unique opportunity to lead with confidence, backed by our proven framework for success in the transitional housing sector. Our comprehensive curriculum and training covers everything from leadership development to innovative program design, providing you with the tools and strategies needed to run a thriving chartered organization. Special benefits include exclusive access to cutting-edge resources, personalized coaching from professional, and a supportive community of like-minded leaders. With the DHODI Charter Program, you'll gain the knowledge, skills, and support to replicate success and create lasting impact. Ready to turn your vision into a powerful reality? We’re here to guide you every step of the way!

Global Influencer in Charge

Vanessa J. McCray

Global Influencer

Vanessa J. McCray is a dynamic and visionary leader with over two decades of experience in nonprofit consulting and transitional housing.


Do I need to have a building or home secured before joining the DHODI Charter Program?

No. While we provide comprehensive support for setting up your organization, it’s your responsibility to secure a physical location or building where you will operate your transitional housing services during the first year process.

What does the DHODI Charter Program cover beyond the first year?

In the second and third years, the program includes bi-monthly mentorship and training sessions. You will also receive quarterly on-site visits from Vanessa and continued access to cutting-edge resources and support.

What is the initial investment for the DHODI Charter Program?

The DHODI Charter Program requires a $25,000 initial investment. This covers everything necessary for establishing your organization’s official presence in your state or county during the first year.

Your Pathway to Leading a Thriving Chartered Transitional Housing Facility

DHODI Charter Program

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